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Libraries Configuration

A library can provide its configuration options to be managed by the runtime. The configuration usually consists of two parts:

  • .NET container providing type safe access to option values.
  • Standard PHP options identified by string name with additional access flags.

Step 1. Registering .NET container#

The first step is to provide a class instance implementing IPhpConfiguration containing the default option values. The instance is registered once (e.g. in a static constructor) by calling Context.RegisterConfiguration<MyConfiguration>(myConfiguration). This tells the runtime that there is a MyConfiguration container.

The runtime (Context) then manages the configuration MyConfiguration, clones its instance for every new instance of Context to maintain different values in the context of different web requests and provides this instance through Context.Configuration service.

Step 2. Associating configuration with standard PHP options#

In order to provide an implementation of the standard PHP functions ini_get, ini_set, ini_restore, ini_get_all etc., PHP options by their PHP name should be registered separately. The registration is called once per option (e.g. in a static constructor) by calling StandardPhpOptions.Register("", IniFlags, GetSetDelegate).

This creates the option descriptor providing additional flags and a delegate handling option value setter and getter. The delegate gets an instance of IPhpConfigurationService providing instances of the registered configurations from step 1.