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Libraries Architecture

The library is represented by a common .NET class library (.dll file). Once the library is referenced within the compilation process, the contained symbols (types, functions and constants) become accessible to the compiled program. Once the library is referenced, it has to be distributed together with the compiled program. There are two types of libraries:

  1. Standard .NET class library - its public types become available to the runtime and can be used as PHP classes.
  2. Extension library is a .NET class library containing an assembly attribute [assembly: Pchp.Core.PhpExtension]. This tells the compiler to treat the contained declarations differently.

Extension Library#

  • Assembly attribute that tells the compiler to treat the assembly as an extension library.

    [assembly: Pchp.Core.PhpExtension] 

  • internal and private symbols won't be visible to the compiled script.

  • public class or public interface with [PhpType] attribute becomes available to the compiled script as a compatible PHP class or interface even within the same namespace.

    // Example:
    public class ArrayIterator : IEnumerable, ArrayAccess, Countable  {
        // declaration of a PHP method in C#
        public virtual void foo(PhpArray array = null){ ... }
        // declaration of a class constant in C#
        public const int A_CLASS_CONSTANT = 123;
        // declaration of application-wide static field
        public static int StaticField;
        // declaration of a container containing context-static fields and constants
        // instance of such fields is created for every request separately and is thread-safe
        public class _statics {
            public readonly int ContextConstant = 789;
            public string ContextStaticField = "abc";

// Example usage in PHP:
(new ArrayIterator())->foo([]);
echo ArrayIterator::$StaticField;
echo ArrayIterator::$ContextStaticField;
echo ArrayIterator::A_CLASS_CONSTANT;
echo ArrayIterator::ContextConstant;
  • public static class represents a container containing the declaration of global PHP functions and constants. The container is ignored if it is annotated with the [PhpHidden] attribute.
    // Example:
    public static class MyFunctions {
        // declaration of a global PHP function 'mystrlen()'
        public static int mystrlen(string str) { return (str != null) ? str.Length : -1; }
        // declaration of a global PHP function 'myecho()' that requires a reference to current Pchp.Core.Context representing PHP runtime.
        public static void myecho(Context ctx, int value) { ctx.Echo(value); }
        // declaration of a global PHP constant 'MYCONST'
        public const int MYCONST = 456;
        // declaration of a global constant that is initialized in run time
        public static readonly int MYCONST2 = Environment.OS.Version.Major;
        // declaration of a global constant as a C# property, evaluated every time the constant gets used
        public static object MYCONST3 => new stdClass();
        // declaration of a global constant as a lazy value, evaluated every time the constant gets used
        public static readonly Func<Context, string> MYCONST4 = (ctx) => "lazy value";
// Example usage in PHP:
echo MYCONST2;
echo MYCONST3;
echo MYCONST4;

Special Parameters#

In order to access special PeachPie objects, such as the current Context, follow the rules below:

Accessing current Context#

Add Context ctx as the first parameter of the method. The runtime will implicitly fill this parameter with an instance of the current Pchp.Core.Context object.

public static void myecho(Context ctx) { ctx.Echo("Hello from library!"); }

Accessing array of local variables#

Add the [ImportLocals] PhpArray locals parameter before regular parameters. The runtime will implicitly pass the current local variables to this parameter.

public static void getlocals([ImportValue(ValueSpec.Locals)] PhpArray locals){ /* locals contain set of caller routine local variables*/ }